Thursday, April 13, 2006

What To Do? What To Do?

According to Stop Me If You've Read This in the L.A. Times, it's hard to come up with a good book title that hasn't been used before. There's lots of repeats.

This is actually a load off my mind, because I still have to come up with a title for the new, new book that hasn't been finished yet. I'd been thinking of trying Fun With Hannah and Brandon, but now that I see that a lot of titles aren't original, anyway, why not just go with Fun With Dick and Jane? I could change the characters names to fit the title. In fact...that might be kind of retro and weird.

I haven't been working on those books much because I've been spending some time on another little project that sort of falls into the marketing category, of course. When I get back to work on Hannah and Brandon, I will post updates on the title issue. It was originally called Playing With Hannah. Going way back, it was called Prince Whiskers, which was a great name, but there is no Prince Whiskers in the book now, so I'm not comfortable using it.

(Link from

My Teen Girl Book Obsession

According to Chasing Ray, a blog I just discovered this morning through Adbooks, which is discussing YA blogs, the new Vanity Fair has an article on Cecily von Ziegesar of Gossip Girl fame--or infamy. Now I have to try to find the thing. What Chasing Ray had to say about the article was so...provocative...that I think I'd better read it myself before commenting about why I am so provoked.

I've started The A-List by Zoey Dean. So far, I have to say that it makes Best Friends for Never (April 8th post) look like art.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew the dofus kamas so I always try my best to earn them more and more to make myself strong. I have never played the game before, at the beginning I did not know what is so I went to kill the monsters with the kamas that I earned with myself in the game. I will duty bound to a friend to help brush the dofus gold together with my friends. I spend a good relationship is then fly to tears. If my levels are very high, I can go to buy dofus kamas more and more and I will not depend on my friends to help me to earn them. I get some cheap kamas as the gifts to encourage me.

11:54 PM  

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