Thursday, May 11, 2006

Another Risky Behavior Associated With The Young

I liked Kurt Anderson's book, Turn of the Century, so when I saw that he had something to say about Kaavya Viswanathan (I don't think I need create a link to help readers recall who she is), I read it even though this subject is getting very, very old for me.

Essentially, he's making the argument that in a culture where a lot of plagiarism goes on, anyway, Viswanathan may have drawn "certain conclusions about the way the real world works." Among them, presumably, that what she was doing was business as usual.

Anderson also made this interesting point:

"Youth may not be an excuse here, but it is an explanation. Omnivorous ambition and risk-taking pathology burn hot and blindingly in late adolescence and early adulthood. Most of the best-known recent plagiarists and fabulists were 25 or younger when they committed their thefts or fabrications."

Perhaps another reason why the young should cool their jets a bit before trying to publish. Rarely, if ever, am I accused of being omnivorously ambitious and a risk-taker. And I think it's safe to say that absolutely nothing burns hot and blindingly within me.

Thanks to for the link.


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