Friday, June 16, 2006

The Magical Mystery Tour--Second Stop

It's a little before 2 p.m., and I just finished reading Before Wings by Beth Goobie, book two in my 48 Hour Book Challenge. It took me twice as long as the first book. It was a little more dense, but just as good.

I've read two good books in one day. I'm living some kind of fantasy here.

I selected books that had been recommended as possible examples of magical realism for children or YAs. I don't know enough about magical realism to make any definitive judgments, but I suspect Before Wings is more of a ghost story than an example of magical realism. Or are ghost stories magical realism?

Before Wings is also very Canadian, which I enjoyed very much. Lots of references to things like Coffee Crisps and Zellers.

Now you'll have to excuse me. I haven't had a shower yet today, and I'm getting hungry again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:39 AM  

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