Thursday, August 23, 2007

If Only I Had More Time

I've mentioned before how much I like Justine Larbalestier's blog. Unfortunately, I have so many blogs I visit now on either a daily or weekly basis that it's difficult for me to give her posts the amount of time they deserve.

For instance, very recently she did a post on making characters real and believable. She said, "In fiction, unlike real life, characters behave in ways that make sense. There are first shoes for later actions. Nothing comes out of nowhere."

I'm not a hundred percent certain what the "shoes" in "There are first shoes for later actions" unless it's some kind of Aussie saying for creating a path or trail to something.

She also did a great post on adult responses to YA books. Unfortunately, it is the adult response to YA that judges and defines it, even though they are not the audience for this literature. A bizarre situation.

I also agree with her about American Gothic and Twin Peaks.


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