Friday, September 24, 2004

We All Need A Break From One Another

No, no, no, I'm not giving up the blog for a while. I love the sound of my own thoughts way too much. I'm just going on vacation for a couple of weeks, which is why my recent postings have been a little sporadic. I can only concentrate on a few things at a time, and getting ready for a two-week vacation is kind of time consuming for me.

Oh, no, you're thinking. She's going to start talking about her vacation and this is a children's literature blog. Stay on task, Gail! Well, I am, because one of the places I'm going is Prince Edward Island, home to Lucy Maude Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables. I've never read the book, but it sounds like just the thing I would have sucked up with a straw when I was young. I kid you not. I loved all that old stuff back in the day.

I was planning to buy a copy of the book while visiting a Lucy Maude Montgomery site. Evidently she is a tourist industry in P.E.I.. But one day I was leaving my library and there was what looked like a brand new paperback copy of Anne of Green Gables on the sale cart. For 50 cents. Seriously, who could pass that up?

I already have a little stack of stuff I've collected to write about, and when I get back I should have much more. And think of all the things I'll have to catch up on with at Readerville, Child_Lit, and, of course, Jane Yolen's on-line journal.

I can't wait to get back!


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